Thank you, Kaylin. You taught me something today. I'm a trans man in my 50s who came of age as a butch dyke in the 80s. I never would have thought to put butch dykes under the GNC umbrella and I'm sure the butch lesbians I know from my time (and their lovers) would react strongly to being identified that way. In fact, when I came out as trans to my lesbian lover back in the 90s her first reaction was "but what would that make me?" She lamented that she wanted to be part of the lesbian community NOT the trans community. For my generation, lesbian community was rooted in identification as women, and being a woman born woman, the opposite of trans. But you are totally right that butches subvert gender norms. Of course we are all of us, anyone who is queer, breaking away from conformity. And I do know women my age who are asking "can I identify as non binary?" Because they never felt completely at home with the expectations laid on them around gender.
The bottom line, I think, is not how we choose to name how we identify, but that we each get to choose. And that we realize that my identity is not threatened by yours. In fact, we have so much in common.